“News Quiz” is a weekly feature that lets you test your knowledge of recent Link stories. The correct answers appear at the end.
1. William F. Buckley Jr., who will be featured on an upcoming stamp, was the host of which of the following TV programs?
a) “Crossfire”
b) “Firing Line”
c) “Meet the Press”
d) “Washington Journal”
2. The Postal Service logs more than 1 billion miles a year to transfer and deliver the mail using a fleet of how many vehicles?
a) 246,000
b) 253,000
c) 265,000
d) 271,000
3. After falling and being rescued by Corydon, IN, Rural Carrier Joshua Toomey, an older man recovered from his injury and then received what?
a) A Life Alert bracelet
b) A new motorized scooter
c) A smartphone
d) Specially fitted walking shoes
4. Karen Douglas, a customer services supervisor in Charlotte, NC, served in what additional capacity while working for the Postal Service?
a) Civil Air Patrol
b) U.S. Army Reserve
c) U.S. Coast Guard Reserve
d) U.S. Navy Reserve
5. How did Jennifer Vo, the new retail Post Office operations vice president, begin her USPS career?
a) Letter carrier
b) Mail handler assistant
c) Retail associate
d) Rural carrier associate
Answers: 1) b. 2) a. 3) b. 4) d. 5) a.