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USPS has announced release dates for more stamps

The lineup includes Baby Wild Animals, Goodnight Moon and Powwows

A sheet of stamps bearing illustrations of cute animals
USPS will release its Baby Wild Animals stamps on Friday, May 23.

The Postal Service has announced release dates for the next batch of this year’s stamps, along with the cities where dedication ceremonies will be held:

Battlefields of the American Revolution, Wednesday, April 16, Concord, MA;

Powwows: Celebrating Native American Culture, Friday, April 25, Albuquerque, NM;

Dahlias, Saturday, April 26, Burlingame, CA;

Goodnight Moon, Friday, May 2, Kansas City, MO;

Baby Wild Animals, Friday, May 23, Auora, CO;

U.S. Flag, Saturday, June 7, Three Oaks, MI; and

Schooner stamped postcard, Friday, July 18, Crystal, MN.

USPS announced these stamps in November, December and January.

Additional release dates will be announced later.