Last week, Link told you about a new video on the Appalachian Trail stamps featuring Daniel Tangherlini, a member of the USPS Board of Governors.
“The trail is a very American story,” he says in the video. “It exists thanks to a collaboration between the government and the people. That same grassroots spirit helps preserve the trail today.”
There were also stories on new additions to this year’s stamp lineup, including releases honoring military branches and conservative commentator William F. Buckley; National Consumer Protection Week, including a podcast on avoiding imposter scams; a warning on phishing; and news of the appointments of Steve Darragh as finance and planning vice president and Jennifer Vo as retail and Post Office operations vice president.
Meanwhile, “People” spotlighted Karen Douglas, a customer services supervisor in Charlotte, NC, who was interviewed recently about her 45-year USPS career by a local TV news station; and “Heroes” told the story of Joshua Toomey, a Corydon, IN, rural carrier who rescued an 85-year-old who had tipped over in his wheelchair at a building site.
The customer had gone to the site to see the new complex where he planned to move according to local Postmaster Brandy Goldberg.
“His Life Alert bracelet had sent emergency services to his apartment nearby, not to his actual location. No telling how long he would have been there if Toomey hadn’t found him.”