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When disaster struck, these employees had a banner idea

A USPS district sends love to wildfire victims and a Post Office hosts a hiring event

A man in a business suit and tie writes a message on a large piece of posterboard
John Sandness, Idaho-Montana-Oregon District’s customer relations manager, signs a banner for the Los Angeles fire victims.

After Hurricane Harvey hit in 2017, California 5 District sent a banner with employee signatures and messages of support to colleagues in Houston. They sent a similar one to Florida in the wake of Hurricane Ian in 2022.

Adela Silber, a consumer affairs manager in the district, recently revived the idea — only this time around it was for the employees of California 5 themselves.

Four banners — for Altadena, Topanga, Malibu and Pacific Palisades — were brought to a customer experience symposium in Washington, DC, where participants signed their names and sent good wishes.

Silber said the idea for the earlier banners originated with Beth Rubio, a customer relations manager for the district, with then-District Manager Al Santos paving the way for their creation. She decided to revive the idea “to honor the extraordinary efforts of all postal employees involved in the California wildfires.

“My vision is for each one to be framed and presented to the office employees for their facilities,” she said.

Abraham Cooper, California 5 District manager, will present the banners to the station employees.

Building the bench

The Flagstaff, AZ, Post Office is doing its part to help strengthen the USPS workforce, one of the goals of the Delivering for America plan.

The office recently hosted a job fair to help fill local positions, including city carrier assistants and rural carrier associates.

More than 30 applicants participated, exceeding expectations.

“Our team tries to engage with anyone coming into the Post Office to let them know we are hiring and to pass the information on to someone who may be seeking employment,” said Stacey Peoples, a Phoenix senior workforce planning specialist.

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