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She went back for a second look

This letter carrier found a customer who had fallen on the side of a road

A woman wearing a Postal Service uniform shirt smiles brightly while standing in a Post Office workroom
Lakeside Park, KY, Letter Carrier Lisa Hansen

Letter Carrier Lisa Hansen was delivering mail in Lakeside Park, KY, recently when she noticed out of the corner of her eye an older man lying on the side of the road.

She turned around and went back for a closer look as the customer tried to get to his feet.

The man, who lived across the street, was cleaning up trash around his mailbox when he lost his footing. He was cut and bleeding from the fall.

Hansen told the customer to stop moving so he wouldn’t fall down the side of the hill and into a creek. She then called 911 and stayed with him until help arrived.

Employees featured in “Heroes” receive letters of commendation through the Postmaster General Heroes’ Program. The nomination form is available on Blue.