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Colin named chief performance officer

He’ll lead a new organization to drive operational excellence across functions

Studio portrait of a smiling man in a business suit and tie
Dr. Joshua Colin, the Postal Service’s new chief performance officer

Dr. Joshua Colin has been named the Postal Service’s chief performance officer, overseeing a newly created organization that will manage coordination and operational excellence across the processing, logistics and retail and delivery functions.

This new organization aims to drive performance and accountability, leveraging the significant investments made as the Postal Service moves into the fourth year of the Delivering for America 10-year strategic plan.

Greg White, operations integration and performance excellence executive director, and Michael Calabrese, acting integrated operations and planning director, will report to him.

He most recently was chief retail and delivery officer and began his Postal Service career in 1986.

He also previously served as delivery operations vice president; maintenance operations vice president; and the former Eastern Area’s vice president.