Last week, Link brought you stories of conscientious, consistent and colorful Postal Service employees who contribute to their communities.
Letter Carrier Jeremy Burnett was delivering mail at an apartment building in Wichita, KS, when he heard a cry for help and investigated its source. He saw a door ajar and a woman on the floor. He called 911 and waited with her until paramedics arrived, as recounted in “Heroes.”
“On the Job” introduced us to another letter carrier, Eugene Leader, who was born in St. Kitts and has been delivering mail on the same route in Manhasset, NY, since 2007. “The best part of my job are my customers,” he said.
And “Off the Clock” told us the story of Brandy Freeman, a graphic designer at USPS headquarters who loves to sing and takes part in a competitive karaoke team after work.
“I love the energy of the crowd and the rush I get when performing these often zany concepts,” Freeman said.
Link also brought news of shipping services price changes and a new design for money orders.
Speaking of out-there concepts, two new stamp releases, Spiral Galaxy and Star Cluster, for Priority Mail and Priority Mail Express respectively, feature images captured by NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope.
And 1794 Compass Rose, a round Global Forever International stamp, features a 32-point compass rose drawn by Lucia Wadsworth — the aunt of poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow — in her school geography notebook in 1794, when she was 10 years old.