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These employees aren’t third wheels

A trio of mechanics and a carrier make news, while a postmaster begins a new assignment

A man smiles while riding a tricycle through the workroom floor of a postal facility
Kaven Battle, a maintenance mechanic, sits on a tricycle at the Philadelphia Processing and Distribution Center, where he was part of a recent TV news segment.

A team of USPS tricycle mechanics recently rode into the spotlight in Philadelphia.

A local TV news crew produced a segment on the mechanics, who respond to calls for equipment repairs at the Philadelphia Processing and Distribution Center.

Because the center has almost 1 million square feet, the tricycles allow the maintenance mechanics and electronic technicians to move fast.

“As soon as a machine goes down, I have to have someone there on the spot,” said Stanley Montgomery, the center’s maintenance operations manager.

The TV news segment, which aired last month, showed how the employees play an important role in keeping the mail moving.

“We have to be on the ball looking for jams in the machine,” said Kevin Rorke, an electronic technician.

A day in the life

Another employee making news recently: Reggie Torres, a Pacifica, CA, letter carrier who was featured in a “day in the life” profile in his hometown newspaper, the Coastside News.

Torres discussed the importance of staying organized, especially when he prepares the mail for delivery each morning.

“If you don’t organize, you make mistakes,” he said. “Organization is key.”

Turning a corner

There’s a new postmaster in Colville, WA: Amy Glover, who joined USPS as a letter carrier in 2001.

In Colville, a city of about 5,000 residents in the central part of the state, Golver is focused on doing her part to help implement the Delivering for America plan.

“We are turning a corner to bring better service to our customers and creating a valuable work environment to my employees,” she said.

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