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He kept calm and carried on

This carrier got shoppers to safety while a store was being robbed

A man wearing a USPS uniform shirt stands in a Post Office workroom, smiling
Lincolnton, NC, Letter Carrier Nathan Slentz

Letter Carrier Nathan Slentz was delivering mail recently to a variety store in Lincolnton, NC, when a robber entered.

As the man pointed his rifle at a store clerk, Slentz put his hands up and stepped away from the counter.

The Postal Service employee then moved into an aisle as the robber demanded the money from the store’s cash registers.

Slentz quickly ushered terrified shoppers to safety, where they remained until the robber left. The clerk called 911 and Slentz stayed with the customers until police arrived.

The store employee told police that if Slentz had not been there, she was certain the outcome would have been different.

“Without hesitation, the mail carrier made his way to the back aisle of the store where he then directed two women and two small children to hide in the corner until the coast was clear and it was safe for them to exit,” she said.

The store sent Slentz a message of gratitude for his bravery and concern for the customers.

The alleged robber and getaway car driver were arrested a few days later. They are both in jail.

Employees featured in “Heroes” receive letters of commendation through the Postmaster General Heroes’ Program. The nomination form is available on Blue.