“News Quiz” is a weekly feature that lets you test your knowledge of recent Link stories. The correct answers appear at the end.
1. What is the Postal Service’s fundraising goal for the latest Combined Federal Campaign?
a) $1 million
b) $2 million
c) $3 million
d) $4 million
2. True or false: Under the Hatch Act, USPS employees are prohibited from displaying a partisan political bumper sticker or partisan flags on a vehicle that delivers mail.
a) True
b) False
3. Which White House initiative did the Postal Service recently join?
a) White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for Hispanics
b) White House Initiative on Women’s Health Research
c) White House Challenge to End Hunger and Build Healthy Communities
d) White House Challenge to Save Lives from Overdose
4. Fill in the blank: USPS employees will require a (blank) account to enroll in the Postal Service Health Benefits Program.
a) Health.gov
b) Login.gov
c) OPM.gov
d) USA.gov
5. Who was the guest on the Oct. 22 edition of the Postal Service’s “Mailin’ It!” podcast?
a) Bob Dixon, USPS delivery and retail modernization senior director
b) Adrienne Marshall, USPS election and government mail services director
c) Margaret Pepe, USPS product solutions executive director
d) Natalie Reda, a retired postal inspector
Answers: 1) c. 2) a. 3) d. 4) b. 5) c.