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National PCC Week is here

Postal Service executives will meet with business customers at events across the nation

A next-generation USPS delivery vehicle.
The transformational changes occurring within the Postal Service will be a focus of this year’s National Postal Customer Council Week.

USPS leaders will meet with business customers throughout the nation this week to update them on the transformational changes occurring within the organization.

The meetings are part of National Postal Customer Council Week, which encourages USPS leaders and postal customer councils (PCCs) to come together to network and discuss the latest trends in the mailing and shipping industry.

More than 95 events will be held during this year’s National PCC Week, which begins Monday, Sept. 23, and continues through Friday, Sept. 27. The theme is “Connecting at the Crossroads — Innovation. Education. Partnership. Growth.”

Each event will feature a presentation given by a USPS executive, along with a video message from Postmaster General Louis DeJoy, who will share details on the organization’s progress under the Delivering for America plan and how changes are benefitting commercial mailers.

Additionally, DeJoy will deliver the keynote address at a Twin Cities PCC event in Minneapolis.

The PostalPro website has more information about PCCs, including a tool that allows users to locate events in their community.