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Keeping the USPS network safe

Here are the best practices for ACE computer users

A woman wearing glasses looks down at a laptop computer screen.
USPS wants employees and contractors to do their part to protect the organization’s network.

The Postal Service is reminding employees and contractors to adhere to cybersecurity best practices to protect the USPS network.

Employees and contractors with ACE computers should always:

• Lock their computers before stepping away by pressing the Windows and L keys or by pressing the control, alt and delete keys;

• Create a password with a minimum of 15 characters, including letters, numbers and special symbols;

• Complete all required CyberSafe at USPS trainings before their due dates; and

• Report suspicious emails using the “Report to CyberSafe” button in the Outlook toolbar.

Employees can also volunteer to become a CyberSafe guardian to help promote cybersecurity awareness best practices.

The CyberSafe at USPS Blue and LiteBlue pages have more information.