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Crisis intervention

This carrier rendered aid to a customer in need

USPS Letter Carrier Gerald Loney stands in front of a sorting rack
Topeka, KS, Letter Carrier Gerald Loney

Letter Carrier Gerald Loney was delivering mail recently in Topeka, KS, when he was approached by an injured customer.

The young man’s hands and wrists were covered in blood.

Loney called 911 and applied a tourniquet to both of the customer’s wrists to stop the bleeding.

While waiting for paramedics to arrive, the man told Loney that his wounds were self-inflicted.

The man has since recovered.

“He’s one of my customers,” Loney said. “I deliver mail to him. He knows me and why wouldn’t I stop?”

Employees featured in “Heroes” receive letters of commendation through the Postmaster General Heroes’ Program. The nomination form is available on Blue.