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A thank-you for his service

Grateful veteran says carrier saved him after a fall

USPS Letter Carrier Max Valdivia
Rancho Cucamonga, CA, Letter Carrier Max Valdivia

Letter Carrier Max Valdivia was delivering mail recently in Rancho Cucamonga, CA, when he spotted a customer face down in his driveway.

The man was unconscious, but breathing.

He woke up after Valdivia safely lifted and carried him to the home’s garage.

The Postal Service employee offered to call 911, but the man declined further help, explaining that he had become unsteady and had fallen.

The customer, who is a disabled veteran, later sent a note to local Postmaster Armando Carrillo.

“I want USPS to give Max some type of recognition for saving my life and for being a hero by going beyond the duties of delivering the mail,” the customer wrote.

Employees featured in “Heroes” receive letters of commendation through the Postmaster General Heroes’ Program. The nomination form is available on Blue.