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Roadside service

A carrier helped a motorist with a flat tire — then received praise on social media

Smiling man stands in postal workroom
Pulaski, WI, Rural Carrier Dennis Bergsbaken

Rural Carrier Dennis Bergsbaken was driving recently in Pulaski, WI, when he spotted a car with a flat tire.

He safely pulled over to assist the motorist and then went on his way.

Later, the driver took to a local Facebook page to thank the Postal Service employee for going “above and beyond to help.”

“There are still good people out there,” the customer wrote.

Postmaster Laura Weier learned of Bergsbaken’s actions when she read the social media post.

The comments from the community “were just wonderful and made me proud,” she said.

Employees featured in “Heroes” receive letters of commendation through the Postmaster General Heroes’ Program. The nomination form is available on Blue.