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Nights to remember

The Postal Service’s latest stamps celebrate carnivals

USPS officials and other guests stand on either side of a large photo of the USPS Carnival Nights stamps
The stamp dedication ceremony participants gather near the Carnival Nights-branded Ferris wheel. From left are Lynda Franc, Matt McDonnell, June Martindale, Greg Chiecko and Lisa Bobb-Semple.

The Postal Service celebrated the dazzling sights and sounds of an enduring summertime tradition at the June 6 dedication ceremony for the new Carnival Nights stamps.

The stamps feature 10 images that convey the energy and color of a summer carnival at night, depicting a variety of rides in vibrant neon hues against a dark sky.

“When the sun sets, things really come to life under a carnival’s whirling bright lights,” said Alabama-Mississippi District Manager June Martindale, who spoke at the event. “The Postal Service is proud to help connect friends and families across the nation with the magic and excitement of these beautiful Carnival Nights stamps.”

The event was held at the South Mississippi Summer Fair in Biloxi. Other participants included Matt McDonnell, executive director of the Mississippi Coast Coliseum; Lynda Franc, corporate marketing director for North American Midway Entertainment; Greg Chiecko, president of the Outdoor Amusement Business Association; and Lisa Bobb-Semple, USPS stamp services director.

“A carnival at night has provided family entertainment for the young and old for generations,” McDonnell said. “Whether a carnival ride was your first date or your children’s first ride experience, it is a great part of Americana, just like these stamps.”

The photographs used for the stamps feature rides along with a fireworks burst from behind a panorama of lights and a row of glittering amusement booths that invite passersby to try their luck.

In addition to the dedication ceremony, USPS branded a North American Midway Entertainment Ferris wheel with a Carnival Nights stamps banner at the fair.

The branded wheel and banner will travel to other fairs throughout the summer, including stops in Indianapolis; Chippewa Falls, WI; and Du Quoin, IL.

The stamps are available in panes of 20 at Post Offices and