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Cyberthreats can come from inside the organization

If you see a violation of information security policies, report it

A man in the dark looking suspiscious in the glow of a computer screen
Any person familiar with USPS resources can pose a threat to the organization’s cybersecurity.

The Postal Service is reminding employees and contractors that threats to the organization’s information security can come from people within USPS.

Any person familiar with the organization’s resources — including personnel, facilities, information, equipment, network and systems — can be a threat. 

The risks can come in the form of misuse of information technology, unauthorized disclosures of information and other activities that can be detrimental to employees and the Postal Service.

Some examples of insider threats include:

• Unauthorized use of portable electronic devices such as USB thumb drives;

• Disclosing restricted postal information on the internet or in the public domain;

• Unauthorized escalation of privileged access;

• Unlawful retention of postal property or information; and

• Deliberate disregard for USPS information security and cyber policies.

Employees or contractors who observe this kind of activity should report it to the Insider Risk program at

Anyone who notices an employee or contractor posing an imminent danger to USPS assets or personnel should call the Postal Inspection Service at 877-876-2455 and select option 2.

The CyberSafe at USPS Blue and LiteBlue pages have more information.