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Do you know the differences between Election Mail, Ballot Mail and Political Mail?

A stamped envelope indicating an official vote by mail ballot
Ballot Mail is sent to or from an authorized election official and contains a ballot that may be used to cast a vote in an election.

The Postal Service wants to remind employees about the differences between Election Mail, Ballot Mail and Political Mail, and the role each will play in the 2024 election process.

Election Mail is any item mailed to or from authorized election officials that enables citizens to participate in the voting process.

Ballot Mail, a subset of Election Mail, is sent to or from an authorized election official and contains a ballot that may be used to cast a vote in an election.

Political Mail is any material mailed for campaign purposes by a registered political candidate, campaign committee or committee of a political party.

It also includes any material mailed by a political action committee (PAC), super PAC or other organization engaging in issue advocacy or voter mobilization.

The 2024 Election Mail and Political Mail Guidebook, which was published in the April 18 Postal Bulletin, has the latest updates to USPS policies, procedures and forms.

The Election and Government Mail Services Blue page also has more information.