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Postal Service vehicles are government property

The penalties are stiff for unauthorized use

A postal delivery truck stops at a mailbox on a residential street
Do you know the rules on unauthorized use of USPS vehicles?

The Postal Service wants employees to remember they have a duty to conserve and protect government property — including USPS vehicles.

The organization’s vehicles should not be used:

• To commute between home and work;

• To go on vacation;

• To transport unauthorized persons such as a child, relative or friend; or

• To run personal errands.

When on official travel or a detail assignment, postal vehicles should not be used:

• To visit friends and family;

• To sightsee; or

• For entertainment.

Misuse of a USPS vehicle may result in disciplinary action, including a minimum 30-day suspension without pay up to removal from the Postal Service.

Employees with questions on the use and misuse of postal vehicles can email the USPS Ethics Office or call 202-268-6346.