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Help springs eternal

CFC, U.N. to honor volunteers on Dec. 5

International Volunteer Day highlights the importance of volunteering.

The Combined Federal Campaign, the federal government’s workplace charity drive, will celebrate International Volunteer Day on Dec. 5.

The United Nations began the annual observation in 1985 to highlight the crucial role volunteers play in supporting and sustaining good causes around the world.

Volunteering is an integral part of the Combined Federal Campaign, or CFC, as well. More than 2,600 volunteer hours were pledged in last year’s campaign.

The act of volunteering dovetails with this year’s CFC theme, “Give Happy,” which stresses generosity’s feel-good boomerang effect.

The Mayo Clinic cites several benefits to volunteering, including improved mental and physical health, providing a sense of purpose, teaching valuable skills, and nurturing new and existing relationships.

“Volunteering is the definition of win-win,” said Myriam Irizarry, a USPS program and policy analyst who serves as the CFC campaign manager for headquarters in Washington, DC. “Both the giver and receiver benefit.”

The CFC website has more information on volunteer opportunities.