The Postal Service wants employees to know about important changes concerning the open season benefits enrollment period that began this week.
Here’s a rundown:
• Because insurance rates are increasing, USPS is encouraging employees to compare plans and avoid overspending on health care. Employees can use Checkbook’s Guide to Health Plans for Federal Employees, an online tool available on LiteBlue, to review rates for 2024.
• There are new pretax limits for flexible spending accounts (FSAs) and the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP).
Employees can go to the FSAFEDS website to learn more about the FSA health care expense cap for 2024, and more about FSAs in general.
The IRS website has information about the new TSP contribution limits. USPS employees can use LiteBlue to make changes to their TSP contributions at any time during the year.
The Open Season LiteBlue page has an overview of open season, including FAQs, educational videos and a link to Checkbook’s Guide to Health Plans for Federal Employees.
Open season, the once-a-year opportunity for Postal Service employees to make changes to their health coverage or choose a new plan, began Nov. 13 and runs through Dec. 11.