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Emotions at work

Webinars will be held Nov. 7

The Nov. 7 session will offer tips on how to manage emotions while in a professional setting.

Postal Service employees may participate in upcoming webinars on how to control and harness emotions to achieve desired goals.

The webinars, “Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace,” will be held Tuesday, Nov. 7, at 12:15 p.m. Eastern and 3:15 p.m. Eastern.

Representatives from the University of Phoenix, a USPS educational partner, will offer tips on managing emotions effectively in a professional setting and how to use them personally and professionally to overcome challenges and achieve success.

Participants must register before the event on the webinar website. After signing up, directions for accessing the webinar will be emailed to each registrant.

Participation is voluntary. Nonexempt employees may participate off the clock or during authorized breaks.

The USPS Wellness LiteBlue page has additional resources. Employees who have questions can email the Benefits and Wellness team.

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