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Cybersecurity month

Annual campaign focuses on awareness

USPS is promoting efforts to create a culture of cybersecurity awareness.

October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month, and the Postal Service is encouraging employees and contractors to become more familiar with the organization’s efforts to create a culture of cybersecurity.

The CyberSafe at USPS Blue page offers an introduction to cybersecurity culture, including:

• Monthly awareness campaigns that offer materials and resources with best practices for both work and home;

• The CyberSafe Guardians resource hub for the volunteers who share best practices with their co-workers;

• Virtual awareness activities that can be adapted for teams to help instill best practices and USPS policy awareness;

• The Report to CyberSafe phishing initiative, which provides steps to take if you think you’ve been a target;

• Training courses for Corporate Information Security Office Academy and CyberSafe at USPS;

• The CyberSafe Studio, which offers videos that put cyberthreats into real-life scenarios and show the effects of making the wrong decisions; and

• A collection of materials to display in work areas to help spread cybersecurity awareness throughout USPS.

The CyberSafe at USPS team will update the site with additional materials related to Cybersecurity Awareness Month throughout October.