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Working wheels

LLV is big draw at school carnival

Superior, WI, Letter Carrier Bob Benson, left, with Robert Stachovich of the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office, and Postmaster Nancy Pearson speak near a USPS delivery van, which was part of a display of working vehicles at a local elementary school.

Three USPS vehicles were the star attraction at a recent school carnival in Superior, WI.

Two delivery vans, along with a long-life vehicle — known as an LLV — were part of a fleet of working vehicles displayed in an elementary school parking lot for the students to get an up-close look.

Superior Postmaster Nancy Pearson arranged for the postal vehicles to take their place among emergency response vehicles, excavators and an ice rink resurfacer.

Letter carriers Bob Benson and Craig Burger joined Pearson at the school to help explain the vehicles’ features to the students and some parents, too.

“They unanimously chose the LLV as their favorite,” Benson said.

The event was worthwhile for USPS, too, in his view.

“Any time we can be in the public eye in a positive manner is a good thing for the Postal Service,” he said.

The organization plans to roll out a fleet of new vehicles, including battery electric next-generation delivery vehicles, in the coming years.