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A matter of degree

Webinar slated for Sept. 19

The Sept. 19 webinar will focus on transfer credits, alternative credit providers, prior-learning assessments and tuition benefits for postal employees.

USPS employees can participate in an upcoming webinar on completing a college education.

The webinar, “Back to School to Finish What You Started,” will be held Sept. 19 at 9:15 a.m. and 12:15 p.m. Pacific time.

Representatives from the University of Phoenix will discuss transfer credits, alternative credit providers, prior-learning assessments and USPS tuition benefits.

Participation is voluntary. Nonexempt employees may only participate off the clock or during authorized breaks.

The University of Phoenix website has details about additional tuition benefits for Postal Service employees.

For more information, email the USPS Benefits and Wellness team.

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