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Casting a lifeline

September is Suicide Prevention Month

National Suicide Prevention Month highlights the importance of mental health care and early intervention.

The Postal Service is observing National Suicide Prevention Month this September.

The observance calls attention to the importance of mental health care, early intervention, proper diagnosing and regular treatment to prevent suicide.

The Postal Service’s Employee Assistance Program, or EAP, has designed a package of materials as part of its 2023 Suicide Awareness and Prevention campaign that are available for download on its Monthly Focus page, including a presentation narrated by an EAP consultant.

The EAP also offers suicide prevention information, tools and resources year-round for employees at and through its Health Resource Library.

In addition to the online resources, EAP field counselors work with USPS district leaders and advisory committees to highlight suicide prevention locally.

Suicide Prevention Month is held every September and encompasses World Suicide Prevention Day on Sept. 10.

For more information, visit the EAP website or call 800-327-4968 (TTY: 877-492-7341).