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‘Angel’ in blue

Mount Lebanon, PA, Letter Carrier Eric Ketter

Letter Carrier Eric Ketter was delivering mail in Mount Lebanon, PA, when he spotted a man lying in the street.

Jim Brophy, a disabled Vietnam War veteran, had been installing lights outside his home when he fell down his concrete front steps and rolled into the middle of the street.

He couldn’t move and couldn’t call for help because his phone flew out of his hands during the tumble.

“The traffic — it just seemed like nobody was stopping,” Brophy told Pittsburgh’s CBS’s affiliate KDKA.

The letter carrier parked his truck broadside to stop traffic, then asked Brophy a series of questions to ensure it was safe to move him, which Ketter did. The man sustained some bumps and bruises but did not require medical attention.

“He said, ‘I would do it for anyone, sir,’” Brophy told KDKA. “That’s what he said. Then he thanked me for my service.”

The next day, the customer told Ketter, “You’re like my guardian angel and I appreciate it and we’re friends for life,” and gave him a hug.

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