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Taking notes

Winner of ‘shadow day’ makes hay

Cristal Blank, right, a lead retail associate in Independence, KY, got to spend time with Mark Reed, acting manager of employee development for Kentucky-West Virginia District, after winning a “shadow day” contest.

While attending a recent Kentucky-West Virginia District career conference, Cristal Blank entered her name to win a “shadow day” with a district leader.

Luck was on the Postal Service employee’s side: She later received a call from Mark Reed, acting manager of employee development, letting her know she was chosen to follow him for a day in Union, KY.

“I was excited,” said Blank, a lead retail associate in Independence, KY. “Mark has been wonderful from the moment he contacted me. He ensured that the best day was chosen by coordinating with my manager.”

He also told her what to expect and informed her of any plan changes.

Reed explained the “why” of how things work and was a solicitous guide, continuously stopping to ask if she had any questions, she said.

“He even arranged a tour of the plant, which was amazing. I had never gotten to see our operation up close.”

Blank met several people during her shadow day and documented the experience.

“I kept a notebook and ended up with pages of information. I appreciate how he expanded my knowledge of postal activities and procedures.”

Reed was similarly impressed. “Cristal was very attentive and asked excellent questions,” he said. “She has a real interest in the HR department for a future career path.”

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