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Watchful eye

Inspection Service continues Election Mail vigilance

The Postal Inspection Service protects the integrity of election-related mail as it moves through the postal network.

The Postal Inspection Service plays an important role in the electoral process — even during off years.

On its website, the organization outlines its efforts to protect the integrity of election-related mail as it moves through the postal network.

These efforts include:

• Designating inspectors in each USPS district to coordinate Election Mail security;

• Conducting on-site security reviews in USPS facilities;

• Using technology to monitor the mail; and

• Working with other federal, state and local law enforcement and government agencies to protect the mail.

The site also offers tips, including recommending customers pick up Election Mail as soon as it’s delivered to their mailbox and drop off election-related mail inside a Post Office or a blue USPS collection box before the last pickup of the day.

To report law enforcement matters regarding election-related mail, customers and employees should call the Inspection Service at 877-876-2455 or submit a report online.