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Clear targets

Criminals seek employees’ security info

A new email phishing scheme targets government workers, including USPS employees.

The Postal Service wants employees and contractors to watch out for phishing emails designed to con recipients into revealing their security clearance information.

Employees at several government agencies have received phishing emails in recent weeks, according to the FBI.

USPS employees also have been targeted.

The emails contain “SF-86_F” or “SF-86” forms that are fake versions of the Standard Form 86 national security questionnaires used for background investigations.

The emails instruct recipients that they are “required” to “self-report” by answering questions.

Criminals could potentially use the sensitive information gathered through these phishing emails to compromise agencies.

If you receive a suspicious email, select the email and the “Report to CyberSafe” button on the Outlook toolbar.

If the email is already open, the button will also appear in the email toolbar.

If you suspect you are being targeted on your USPS-issued device, immediately call the Cybersecurity Operations Center at 866-877-7247 or send an email to

The CyberSafe at USPS Blue and LiteBlue pages have additional tips.