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Tuition savings

New partner school to host aid webinar

The June 21 session will focus on financial aid opportunities at Carlow University.

Carlow University — the Postal Service’s newest educational partner — will hold a live online session on financial aid June 21.

The Pittsburgh-based college offers flexible online study in such fields as nursing, business, human services and criminal justice. There are multiple start dates throughout the year.

The university is offering a 10 percent discount on tuition for USPS employees and allows the transfer of up to 90 credit hours toward an online degree or certification.

The financial aid webinar will be held June 21 at 1 p.m. Eastern time. Employees may sign up on the registration page. A recording will be made available to all registrants.

Participation is voluntary. Nonexempt employees may only participate off the clock or during authorized breaks.

More information can be found on Carlow University’s USPS partnership page.