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CFC spotlights medical research

The Combined Federal Campaign includes several charities that support medical research.

The Combined Federal Campaign’s cause of the week is medical research.

The past few years have shown the sort of miracle well-funded medical research can accomplish: Vaccines that normally would take years to develop became available in months.

The Cleveland Clinic recently published a list of medical breakthroughs that scientists are on the cusp of achieving. They include:

  • New mRNA vaccinology: Previous research that made quick work of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines is being built upon for a wide array of applications, including cancer therapies.
  • Type 2 diabetes: A promising once-a-week injectable is in late-stage trials — a therapy that has the added benefit of helping obesity.
  • Sepsis detection: A computer algorithm is being developed to assist with early detection of sepsis, a leading cause of hospitalization and death around the world.

These are heartening developments for common ailments, but funds are also desperately needed for research into the myriad “orphan” diseases that often fall under the public’s radar.

If you’re unsure of where to focus your giving in this category, the website for the campaign, also called the CFC, makes it easy:

  • Under “CFC Giving System” on the homepage, choose “online charity search.”
  • In the “Find A Charity” section, you’ll see “Select a Specific Category.” From there, choose “Medical Research.”

The Combined Federal Campaign is the federal government’s workplace charity drive. The latest campaign began Sept. 1 and runs through Jan. 14.

Participation in the CFC is voluntary.

The website has more information.

This is the 16th and final in a series of articles spotlighting the Combined Federal Campaign’s cause of the week.

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