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Mobile device security

Mandatory course deadline is June 6

The CyberSafe Mobile Device Security course includes policy information, best practices and more.

Employees and contractors who have USPS-issued mobile devices must complete mandatory security training by June 6.

The CyberSafe Mobile Device Security course provides employees and contractors with policy information, best practices and other tools to securely use their postal mobile devices.

This year’s course offers a way to “test out” of individual topics, including the entire course, through a pretest covering security and data protection and application use topics. Based on the results, employees and contractors will either be exempted from taking the course or will have to take one or both training topics.

The training course is available through HERO.

Employees and contractors who do not complete the course by the June 6 deadline will have limited ACE system access until it is completed.

Go to the CyberSafe training page on Blue or email for more information.