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Haul for one

News Quiz: How much do you remember?

How much do you know about the Postal Service’s efforts to recruit tractor-trailer operators?

“News Quiz” is a weekly feature that lets you test your knowledge of recent Link stories. The correct answers appear at the end.

1. Which of these facilities is not participating in the USPS pilot program to fill tractor-trailer operator positions?

a) Brooklyn, NY, Processing and Distribution Center
b) Carol Stream, IL, Processing and Distribution Center
c) San Jose, CA, Processing and Distribution Center
d) Knoxville, TN, Processing and Distribution Center

2. Which district recently held a contest in which employees’ child relatives designed safety posters?

a) Alaska
b) Hawaii
c) Puerto Rico
d) None of the above

3. True or false: To avoid heat-related illnesses, the Postal Service wants employees to hydrate before, during and after work.

a) True
b) False

4. USPS wants to fill (blank) Level 17 supervisor positions the holiday season.

a) 90
b) 900
c) 9,000
d) None of the above

5. Match the product or service in Column A with the price that took effect Aug. 29 in Column B.

Column A
a) Domestic postcards
b) Flats (1 ounce)
c) Letters (1 ounce)
d) Outbound international letters (1 ounce)

Column B
I) 40 cents
II) 58 cents
III) $1.16
IV) $1.30

Answers: 1) d. 2) b. 3) a. 4) b. 5) a. I., b. III., c. II., d. IV.

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