The Postal Service is reminding employees about an important deadline involving the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program.
The U.S. Office of Personnel Management is requiring all federal agencies to verify eligible family members who are enrolled in the program, also known as FEHB, by Aug. 31.
To comply with this regulation, USPS employees who are currently enrolled in FEHB coverage must take time to verify the eligibility of all covered family members.
If there have been changes regarding the eligibility of dependents, you must update your dependent list using the PostalEASE FEHB worksheet (USPS-24).
If you don’t have changes, no action is required.
The updated form — along with supporting documentation for all changes, in the form of birth certificates, divorce decrees or marriage certificates — must be mailed to the USPS Human Resources Shared Service Center at HRSSC/Benefits, PO Box 970400, Greensboro, NC 27497-0400.
The completed form and supporting documentation can also be faxed to 202-268-0359.
If you have questions, call the HRSSC at 877-477-3273.