Drew Barrymore is an actress, film producer and talk show host.
She’s also a fan of the U.S. Mail.
Barrymore recently posted a video on Instagram describing her excitement after receiving a letter from her daughter at sleepaway camp.
“I’m the most proud parent right now. I got mail from my daughter and she’s at camp,” Barrymore says.
Becoming emotional, she continues: “I think that letters and postcards and stamps and the Post Office are just so important. Letters are so beautiful and may we encourage our kids to be writers and send mail to us.”
Barrymore, who has 14 million Instagram followers, has shared her love of mail before in previous posts.
She also uses a yellow mailbox GIF to encourage fans to send her correspondence, including letters for the “Dear Drew” segment on her self-titled daytime talk show. She even selects a “ZIP Code of the Day” where she shares fun local facts before opening a letter.
In her latest Instagram post, Barrymore, a mother of two, says that opening a letter from her daughter is “the day I’ve dreamt of since my kids were born — my kid writing me a letter from sleepaway camp.”
She added: “It’s just such a sign that not only is everything okay, but these rich, important, crucial traditions live on in our family. We love mail. And guess what? I’ve got mail.”