“News Quiz” is a weekly feature that lets you test your knowledge of recent Link stories. The correct answers appear at the end.
1. Where will Oshkosh Defense build the Postal Service’s next-generation delivery vehicles?
a) Daleville, AL
b) Oshkosh, WI
c) Quantico, VA
d) Spartanburg, SC
2. What was Chief Retail and Delivery Officer Kristin Seaver’s job title when she joined the Postal Service in 1991?
a) Industrial engineer
b) Letter carrier
c) Operations support manager
d) Retail associate
3. True or false: Coronal loops, one of the phenomena depicted on the Sun Science stamps, are formed when solar material travels along magnetic fields to form arcs above the sun.
a) True
b) False
4. Fill in the blank: (Blank) of First-Class Package Service volume would not be affected by the Postal Service’s recently proposed service standard change.
a) 4 percent
b) 32 percent
c) 64 percent
d) None of the above
5. Match the USPS Supplier Performance Award honoree in Column A with the appropriate category in Column B.
Column A
a) ATC Group Services/Atlas Technical Consultants
b) Deloitte
c) Gable Signs & Graphics
d) Logistics Management Institute
Column B
I) Excellence
II) Innovation
III) Performance
IV) Sustainability
Answers: 1) d. 2) a. 3) a. 4) c. 5) a. II., b. III., c. IV., d. I.
Share your feedback at uspslink@usps.gov. Your comments could be included in the “Mailbag” column.