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Sales training

New expedited packaging course available

The Expedited Packaging Supplies Application course consists of two modules designed to help employees order specialized packaging supplies for customers.

A new HERO course on the Expedited Packaging Supplies Application is now available for USPS sales employees.

The application is used to process all specialized packaging orders.

PS Form 4004-SP, Specialized Packaging Order Form, is no longer acceptable for making requests for specialized packaging supplies.

The one-hour course, Expedited Packaging Supplies Application, recently became available on the HERO platform. The course number is 2021MKTG5059CR03.

The course consists of two modules:

• Module 1 outlines the specialized packaging program and requirements and details the initial setup process required to access the application.

• Module 2 highlights how to enter an order, update customer information and run reports.

Employees must pass the course with a score of 80 percent or higher in order to gain access to the Expedited Packaging Supplies Application to order specialized packaging supplies for customers.

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