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Generosity plus

Inspection Service collars dollars for CFC

Inspector in Charge Carroll Harris III received the CFC National Capital Area’s Hero of the Year Award last week.

The Postal Inspection Service was honored last week with two awards — including one of only four Hero awards — for its work in the latest Combined Federal Campaign (CFC).

Inspector in Charge Carroll Harris III was named a Hero of the Year by the CFC’s National Capital Area for leading the Inspection Service’s efforts, which raised $74,577 — dramatically surpassing the agency’s initial goal of $26,175.

“The final total of donations may be the record for contributions and volunteer efforts in the history of the Inspection Service’s CFC campaign involvement,” the agency wrote in its nomination of Harris.

But the numbers tell only part of the story. Harris was “always a present and engaging force at various events,” noted Nancy Bechtol, a local CFC committee member who announced the award at a March 10 virtual ceremony. She added that he connected workers at the agency “in ways they never experienced before.”

The Inspection Service also received an award for innovation, tying with the U.S. Forest Service in the medium-size-agency category for “new and creative practices that resulted in increased contributions, participation and education about the CFC.”

Some of the Inspection Service’s innovative activities included a “Power of Pink” photo contest for Breast Cancer Awareness Month; a Veterans Day event to honor agency employees who served in the armed forces; banners to promote CFC causes, along with regular messages to raise awareness of the campaign and volunteer opportunities; a “Poetry, Prose and Gratitude in Motion” open mic event; and an intimate “Our Story” event, where employees shared why they support their chosen charities.

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