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Seeing, saying

Employee’s tip brings in shipping deal

Rachel Bradley, a West Columbia, SC, letter carrier, used the Customer Connect program to help generate $400,000 in new revenue for USPS.

A South Carolina letter carrier’s sharp eye has led to almost $400,000 in new revenue for the Postal Service.

Rachel Bradley noticed a new business customer on her route in West Columbia. She submitted a lead through Customer Connect, a partnership with the National Association of Letter Carriers that encourages letter carriers to share sales leads with USPS.

Business Development Specialist Theophilius Crawford followed up with the company, which makes face shields and other personal protective equipment.

The Postal Service inked a shipping deal with the company, valued at $392,000.

Revenue generated from Customer Connect leads is counted toward the Postal Service’s Race for a $Billion campaign goal.

The initiative — which aims to raise $1 billion through employee-provided sales leads before the fiscal year ends Sept. 30 — recently passed its goal and stands at $1.09 billion, according to a Sept. 3 ranking of all district contributions.

“Rachel’s lead demonstrates that letter carriers see and know who their customers are,” said Mary Anderson, small-business engagement director at USPS headquarters in Washington, DC. “That knowledge is important for the Postal Service to be able to help our customers with their businesses.”

The Sales Blue page has more information about Customer Connect and the Postal Service’s other lead-sharing programs, which include Business Connect, Clerks Care, Mail Handlers, Rural Reach and Submit a Lead.

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