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On the lookout

Orlando, FL, Customer Services Manager Rosemary Onody

Rosemary Onody makes it her mission to help USPS grow its business.

The Orlando, FL, customer services manager takes every opportunity to find sales leads, which she submits through the Business Connect program.

“Being engaged daily with our customers allows me to look for revenue opportunities,” she says.

The Postal Service wants all employees to follow Onody’s example.

The organization is conducting Race for a $Billion, a campaign to generate $1 billion in estimated revenue through employee-provided leads before the current fiscal year ends Sept. 30.

To help other employees find leads, Onody offers these tips:

• Do your homework. “I use all the resources in the Business Connect portal, which provides me with the talking points I need when I interact with our business customers,” she says.

• Don’t be shy. Onody makes a point of visiting Post Office lobbies to chat with customers. “It gives me additional opportunities to provide information on USPS products and services to better serve their needs,” she says.

• Pass it on. Onody shares her knowledge with her co-workers. “I utilize Business Connect opportunities as training opportunities to help educate [my colleagues] on our products and services,” she says.

In addition to Business Connect, which is for Postmasters and customer services supervisors and managers, USPS offers Customer Connect (for letter carriers), Clerks Care (for retail associates and distribution and machine clerks), Mail Handlers (for mail handlers), Rural Reach (for rural carriers) and Submit a Lead (for everyone else, including Executive and Administrative Schedule employees).

The Sales Blue page has more information about each sales lead program, including participation instructions.

The most important thing, Onody says, is to keep the focus on helping customers.

“We all need to support this vital program which assists us in providing positive solutions for our customers and potential revenue for the Postal Service,” she says.

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