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Racing report

Effort underway to raise $1 billion in leads

Clinton-Macomb, MI, Rural Carrier Tara Bird recently participated in the Race for a $Billion campaign by submitting a sales lead through the Rural Reach program.

Postal Service employees have raised more than $368 million in estimated annualized revenue for the organization since the Race for a $Billion campaign began last fall.

The initiative calls on employees to submit $1 billion in sales leads during the current fiscal year, which runs from Oct. 1, 2019-Sept. 30, 2020.

The Small Business Sales team is spearheading the campaign and producing a weekly ranking of the 67 USPS districts.

The most recent ranking, released Feb. 20, shows that some of the top districts include San Diego, where employees have submitted leads that will generate $18.2 million in estimated annualized postal revenue; Rio Grande ($13.9 million); and Dallas ($11.8 million).

“This campaign is off to a great start, but we have a long way to go,” said Mary Anderson, small-business engagement director at USPS headquarters in Washington, DC. “We’re calling on every employee to do his or her part and submit at least one sales lead before the end of this fiscal year.”

Sales leads can come from virtually anywhere — a new restaurant in town, a home-based business owner who uses a USPS competitor to ship his or her products, or a shopkeeper seeking new ways to advertise his or her wares.

Employees who spot these kinds of opportunities can use one of five programs to submit the lead: Customer Connect (for letter carriers), Clerks Care (for distribution clerks, machine clerks and retail associates), Mail Handlers (for mail handlers), Rural Reach (for rural carriers) and Submit a Lead (for everyone else, including Executive and Administrative Schedule employees).

The Sales Blue page has more information about each lead generation program, including instructions on participating, as well as the latest district rankings.

“I’m always looking out for my customers,” said Tara Bird, a Clinton-Macomb, MI, rural carrier who recently submitted a lead through Rural Reach.

“I want [my customers] to be successful. That’s my motivation.”

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