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Own your career

HERO now available on LiteBlue

HERO, a platform that allows USPS employees to manage their career development activities, is now available on LiteBlue, which can be accessed from personal devices.

The Postal Service’s career development and learning platform is now available on LiteBlue, which you can access on personal devices.

HERO, which launched last year, allows you to manage your career development activities from a single online platform. You can also use HERO to access applications such as PostalEASE, eReassign, eRetire, ePayroll and more.

Other helpful features include HEROProfile and the Learning Portal.

HEROProfile gives a consolidated view of your contact details and work experience. By creating a HEROProfile, you can share your skills, abilities and career interests with colleagues throughout the organization, including managers.

The Learning Portal will house thousands of non-postal training courses for your professional and personal development.

All self-development training courses are accessible off the clock anytime, and anyplace, by logging into HERO through LiteBlue on your personal device or computer.

To access HERO on LiteBlue, go to Additional information is located on the help page within the HERO system.

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