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The ‘Light’ stuff

Videos showcase mail, technology

Customers holds an ad received in the mail.
The “See Mail in a New Light” video shows how mail and digital technology work together to help businesses serve their customers.

Several new Postal Service videos show how mail works with digital technology to continually inspire customers to make purchases and engage with businesses.

The series includes See Mail in a New Light,” a 1-minute, 45-second video that shows a customer accidentally breaking a lamp in her home. While searching for a replacement, she receives a catalog in the mail from a retailer and places an order, which she tracks using a USPS app.

Next, the customer receives the package and later a thank-you postcard from the retailer — then decides it’s time for a new alarm clock, starting the process anew.

The customer’s “journey” with mail and digital technology is also shown in a handful of shorter videos: Ignite the Spark,” Hot Pursuit,” “A New Day and The Light at the End of the Tunnel.”

The videos, which debuted at this year’s National Postal Forum, are available on the Postal Service’s YouTube channel.

If you’re unable to stream video from external sites on postal computers, you can use a personal smartphone, tablet or other device to go to and watch these segments off the clock.

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