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Safety net

Program provides long-term care

Older woman doing physical therapy exercise receives assistance from nurse
Experts recommend having long-range insurance in place prior to needing care.

The Postal Service is reminding employees that the Federal Long Term Care Insurance Program is one of the health care options available to them.

The program, also known as FLTCIP, provides long-term care insurance for employees and loved ones who might otherwise use savings and other assets to cover these costs.

Most employees purchase the coverage before age 55. In some instances, an employee’s relatives can apply for FLTCIP, even if the employee decides to forego the coverage.

Long-term care experts recommend having long-range insurance in place prior to needing care.

FLTCIP is managed by Long Term Care Partners.

To find out if you qualify for FLTCIP and to learn about insurance plans, call 800-582-3337 (TTY: 800-843-3557) or go to

The Financial Wellness LiteBlue page has videos and other resources on health care, life insurance, debt management, retirement and more.

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