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Staying healthy

Events promote employees’ well-being

Postal Service employees at a health fair
Rural Carrier Associate James Horton receives a body composition analysis at the Cary, NC, Post Office’s recent health fair.

Springtime health fairs and training classes are giving Postal Service employees valuable information and skills to potentially save lives.

A recent health and wellness fair at the Cary, NC, Post Office offered employees free glucose screenings and the opportunity to talk with nutrition specialists, emergency medical personnel and health insurance representatives.

Employees could also have their body compositions analyzed by a special medical device. Those who participated received a confidential analysis about their body fat, muscle mass and water levels.

“On-site interactive events like this are a win-win for all,” said Postmaster Dean Roberts. “They are convenient and beneficial in promoting well-being and motivating employees to live healthier lives.”

At the Merrifield, VA, Processing and Distribution Center, employees recently completed a CPR training course offered by the National Safety Council.

Participants learned how to provide CPR, which stands for cardiopulmonary resuscitation, to someone whose breathing or heartbeat has stopped.

They also learned how to use an automated external defibrillator (AED), which is a portable device that automatically analyzes the heart’s rhythm and provides electric shocks to restore a normal heartbeat.

“This course can never be given enough,” said Charlene Valdez-Simelton, an occupational health nurse administrator.

Approximately 10,000 cardiac arrests occur in the workplace each year, according to the American Heart Association. This number can be reduced greatly and survival rates can double with the use of proper CPR in conjunction with an AED.

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