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Information security

Policy update process begins

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USPS is updating the handbook that governs the organization’s information technology usage.

USPS is beginning its twice-yearly update of Handbook AS-805, Information Security Policy.

This handbook contains policies that govern the use of the information technology assets and protocols that help guide the Postal Service’s comprehensive response to incidents of cybercrime and technology misuse.

These policies and protocols help protect the interests of USPS, its employees, business partners and the public.

Individuals and teams whose work is affected by the policies should begin reviewing the handbook sections that are applicable to their business unit to prepare any suggested policy changes for this publishing cycle, which is scheduled for June.

The USPS Corporate Information Security Office (CISO), which leads this process, will send an email with instructions and materials to individuals and teams to request their updates. Once completed, proposed updates should be emailed to the CISO Cybersecurity Policy and Standards team at

CISO is working to develop a new, streamlined replacement document for the AS-805 Information Security Policy handbook that will improve users’ ability to locate topics of interest. The first phase of this process is complete and the second phase is underway.

CISO will provide additional updates as the process continues.

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