The Postal Service has changed its mailing standards to better protect mail from leaks and spills.
The changes clarify Domestic Mail Manual language that specifies packaging and markings for mailpieces that contain liquids.
USPS proposed the changes last summer and invited mailers to provide feedback. The organization decided to move forward with some of the changes proposed in the notice, along with some additional revisions proposed by mailers.
For example, at the recommendation of mailers, International Safe Transit Association (ISTA) test certification is now required upon request instead of at the time of mailing.
The changes took effect March 19 when they were published in the Federal Register.
The Postal Service also proposed extending the requirement to triple package some small breakable primary containers, but the organization decided to not move forward with that proposal.
Instead, USPS will continue to monitor the frequency and impact of spills originating for small containers and determine later if standards revisions are needed.
Reducing spills is important because they can cause processing delays, result in pricey cleanup efforts, damage surrounding mailpieces and erode customer confidence in USPS.