If you’re enrolled in a flexible spending account through FSA Feds, you must submit claims from 2018 before Tuesday, April 30, at 11:59 p.m. EDT.
Any claims received after the deadline will not be reimbursed.
Both health care and limited care flexible spending accounts allow you to carry over as much as $500 into 2019. If you have more than $500 in your account, the unused funds that aren’t carried over will be forfeited after April 30.
To be eligible to carry over funds, you must meet certain requirements, such as being re-enrolled in your account for 2019.
If you have a dependent care flexible spending account, it does not allow carryover funds. However, you can continue to spend your 2018 funds until Friday, March 15. Make sure you submit all eligible expenses incurred through this deadline; funds remaining in your account after April 30 will be forfeited.
The FSA Feds site has more information. Additionally, FSA Feds benefits counselors are available weekdays from 9 a.m.-9 p.m. EDT at 877-372-3337 (TTY: 866-353-8058).