Dillon Brotzman understands that cybersecurity is a team sport.
Brotzman, an information systems specialist in Denver, is a member of CyberSafe Guardians — a team of more than 50 USPS employees who volunteer to be cybersecurity ambassadors at the facilities where they work.
“IT security requires everyone’s help to keep the Postal Service’s infrastructure cybersafe,” Brotzman says.
The CyberSafe Guardians program is part of the organization’s broader efforts to protect its information and promote cybersecurity. The guardians share information with their co-workers and provide feedback on cybersecurity matters to USPS.
Brotzman offers three tips to colleagues who want to help the Postal Service promote cybersecurity:
• Use strong passphrases. A passphrase is a unique set of words that serves as your password. For example, “be cybersafe” could be turned into: B3_Cyb3rS*f3.
• Stay separate. Never plug any personal or work devices into USPS computers, networks or equipment.
• Recognize and report phishing attempts. If you receive a suspicious email at your USPS account, use the “Report to CyberSafe” button in the Outlook toolbar to report the message.
Brotzman also tries to weave cybersecurity best practices into everyday conversations.
“In today’s world, cybersecurity is more important than ever. Everyone has a responsibility to help the Postal Service protect its information resources,” he says.
The CyberSafe at USPS Blue page has more information about the CyberSafe Guardians program.
“Best Practices,” a series on employees who demonstrate on-the-job excellence, appears regularly in Link.